Carpet Cleaner Spanking Sites What Can I Do?

What can i do? - carpet cleaner spanking sites

Ok. I have a Chihuahua 11 months. I saved the house. It was Casterated. He is kennel trained. This part is home to one point. My problem is ... I just left (I mean, with about 3 minutes after leaving the whole day) and going to pee, or to shit in the house. Ok! been throughout the day is. more than an hour ... Food and water acess. He is in less than 3 meters from the door that goes from the stern. So ... I do what I said in the past ... Scruff him and bring him to the place and show him back and say NO NO BAD DOG and his whip and let it out. So I'm cleaning my carpet and clean the mess ... Is there anything I can do to stop the use in my home? My carpets need some help! And I also .. I'm at the end of Witt. This is the fiI RST pet may not understand that you're on the toilet ... is not OK when inside. If you and lose themselves for treatment abroad. Please only serious answer!


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