Fluoride Toothpaste Children Using Fluoride Toothpaste For Young Children?

Using fluoride toothpaste for young children? - fluoride toothpaste children

I took my 2-year-old dentist, who said recently that he could replace a normal toothpaste toothpaste training. I try to spit it, not swallow the toothpaste, but it is not done yet. I fear that fluoride causes the discoloration of the teeth. I assume that the dentist knows what they're talking about, but it is from what I heard, unlike in the past.

And yes, I can call the dentist and ask, but since I'm on the computer now ...


Dr Matt W (Australia) said...

If your child is not to spit, and then claim that a minimum of fluoride toothpaste for children.

Dr Matt W (Australia) said...

If your child is not to spit, and then claim that a minimum of fluoride toothpaste for children.

Frankie said...

My friend is a dentist. I have nine children 2 to 23 years. Fluorine is always suggested, because it helps your teeth strong. should not fade.

calebeat... said...

I congratulate you think. Not even you should use a toothpaste with a warning against poison (Go ahead, check it out), not to mention his son. But we said it was OK for spitting? FALSE. The lining of the oral mucosa of the mouth has an absorption rate of 90% - still better than IVs.
http://www.secretofthieves.com/toothpast ...
So we have poisoned us every time we brush his teeth.

In the above link you will find links to websites, the problems caused by the document fluoride in the brain, thyroid, etc.

Another ingredient in most toothpastes - even so-called "natural" - is SLS. (Sodium Laurel Sulfate ... Originally conceived as an engine degreaser and is now being used in shampoos, etc., as a propellant.) SLS has been shown that the cancer promoting, allergic reactions, and the slow development of protein eyes.

I use toothpaste thieves in the same place mentioned. I like the Plus version, since it seems more and more essential oils. Most people like the Ultra version, since TStructure is similar to what we are accustomed. My little nephews and nieces are also divided between the newspapers and options in the Kid.

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