Shift Cover Can My Employer Hold Me Responsible To Find Cover For My Shift If I Fall Ill?

Can my employer hold me responsible to find cover for my shift if I fall ill? - shift cover

Come on, that the new policy document states that all workers are protected, it will find itself in the case of the disease and do not disturb "Listening to Call Manager. This legal?


mike h said...

Not that the work of managers, not allow, not lazy **** says otherwise

JZD said...

"Document, issued by whom?
If you can not work due to illness, you are entitled to pay SSP or to other states, like his contract.
Your employer may fall in demand from his colleagues, but generally it is so limited to medical and dental visits and absences.

Your employer can not demand to find a contract for a replacement because they are not entitled to take one of their colleagues claim - that your employer has this power.

Therefore, it would be a "requirements" and were not punished, would comply with a complaint to an hour cause ET

SusansHu... said...

Are you currently employed or in themselves? Some companies use an autonomous, independent, or contractors that would perform normally performed by an employee genuine. In this case, the contract that the person under contract to deliver a replacement, if thay are written do not work for some reason.

When used effectively are, then it is reasonable to expect him to do the work of the administrator it (unless you have accepted and be paid accordingly)

Sweethar... said...

I do not see why it would do for an employer to be illegal. He brought a new rule. If this is not to your liking, then find another job.

So what happens if you do not find to a replacement? So that you are sick or leave the door open, or call the manager?

Jon said...

This seems very strange - most employers do not want a stranger in their presence. And I doubt you would agree with insurance from their employers. How soft is the work? And you really are the United Kingdom and Ireland, in this section, the wrong output?

Sahara said...

It could be, depending on where you are. It's terrible. They said they basically do not believe that people are sick and want to come in all shapes, to make the customer sick, employees of other patients, etc. These managers are not charged for these policies intelligently.

sensible... said...

No, the only time that "May" will be necessary, a replacement will be able to find time to escape the daily grind. His manager wanted him to do his work.

roxy said...

Everything is one of the things that the Board is in the tender

cheekybe... said...

In which country do you live? You can not imagine this is legal in the EU

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