Tingling Fingers More Causes What Causes On-again Off-again Tingling In The Fingers/hand?

What causes on-again off-again tingling in the fingers/hand? - tingling fingers more causes

For several months, the fingers of his right hand began to tingle and numb. Sometimes, some in their hands. Also my foot falls asleep when I am on my legs or Iam year. (But I think we all?) Any ideas?


Amber said...

It could be carpal tunnel ... This happens all the time and that is what I ... I like to go to your doctor just to be sure when!

roxy said...

I had happened to me, and only occurred in my arms too much, and it scared me, "the doctor said it was anxiety and / or poor circulation.he gave me pills for aniety and stopped. but there may be other reasons for so you should consider with your doctor about the possibility of help if you "well

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